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Boiler feed water quality

Oil refinery process tutorials discuss details about Boiler feed water quality and essential for ensuring optimal boiler performance, minimizing maintenance costs, and preventing costly equipment failures. Learn about the key parameters, treatment methods, and the impact of poor water quality on your boiler system.

A Crucial Factor for Efficiency and Safety:

Boiler feed water quality is critical to the safe operation of a boiler system. Impurities in feed water can cause a variety of problems, including-

Scaling and Storage:

Mineral salts (such as calcium and magnesium) form hard deposits on the surface of the boiler as the water evaporates.   

This reduces heat transfer efficiency, leading to higher fuel consumption and potential overheating.
This can cause localized stress, leading to boiler tube failure.


Dissolved gases (oxygen, carbon dioxide) and salts (chlorides, sulfates) attack boiler metal, causing corrosion. This weakens the boiler structure, increasing the risk of leakage and failure. It can also lead to sludge formation, which further impedes heat transfer.


Impurities in the feed water can be carried over with steam, contaminating the steam and potentially causing damage to downstream equipment. This can result in reduced product quality, increased maintenance costs, and potential safety hazards.

Foaming and Priming:

Organic contaminants in the feed water can cause foaming, leading to unstable water levels and carryover. 
Priming is the carryover of water droplets along with steam, often due to sudden changes in steam demand.
Both can lead to damage to steam turbines and other equipment.

Desired Boiler Feed Water Quality:

Low Dissolved Solids: Minimizing dissolved salts and minerals is crucial to prevent scaling and corrosion.

Low Dissolved Gases: Oxygen and carbon dioxide should be removed to prevent corrosion.

Low Suspended Solids: Particles in the feed water can lead to fouling and carryover.

Low Organic Content: Organic contaminants contribute to foaming and carryover.

Appropriate pH: Maintaining a suitable pH level prevents corrosion and scaling.

Achieving Desired Quality:

Pretreatment: This includes removing suspended solids, turbidity, and organic contaminants through filtration, coagulation, and other processes.

De alkalization: Removing hardness-causing minerals (calcium and magnesium) through ion exchange or other methods.

Degasification: Removing dissolved oxygen and carbon dioxide through physical or chemical processes.

Chemical Treatment: Adding chemicals (like phosphates, amines, and sulfites) to control corrosion and scaling.

Monitoring and Control:

Regular water quality analysis is essential to monitor and control the effectiveness of treatment processes.

This includes monitoring parameters like pH, conductivity, dissolved oxygen, hardness, and alkalinity.

Importance of Boiler Feed Water Quality:

Improved boiler efficiency and reduced fuel consumption.

Increased boiler lifespan and reduced maintenance costs.

Improved product quality and reduced contamination risks.

Enhanced safety and reduced risk of accidents.

Overall, maintaining good boiler feed water quality is essential for the reliable and safe operation of any boiler system. Investing in proper treatment and monitoring ensures optimal performance and longevity.

Boiler Feed Water Quality Specification:

Boiler feed water quality is critical for safe and efficient boiler operation. It influences:

Boiler efficiency: Impurities can lead to scale formation, reducing heat transfer and efficiency.
Boiler life: Corrosion and scaling can damage boiler components, shortening lifespan.
Steam quality: Impurities can contaminate steam, impacting process applications.
Operating costs: Treatment costs and downtime due to boiler issues.
Typical specifications for boiler feed water quality:

Dissolved Solids:
Total Dissolved Solids (TDS): < 10-50 ppm (varies by boiler pressure and type)

Sodium (Na): < 5 ppm (minimizes boiler scaling)

Chloride (Cl): < 10 ppm (reduces corrosion)

Sulfate (SO4): < 20 ppm (limits scaling and corrosion)

Silica (SiO2): < 5 ppm (reduces scale formation, especially in high-pressure boilers)


Dissolved Oxygen (DO): < 5 ppb (prevents corrosion)

Carbon Dioxide (CO2): < 5 ppm (minimizes corrosion)

Ammonia (NH3): < 10 ppb (prevents corrosion and promotes embrittlement)

Other Impurities:

Hardness (Ca & Mg): < 0.5 ppm (minimizes scaling)

Iron (Fe): < 0.1 ppm (limits corrosion)

Copper (Cu): < 0.05 ppm (prevents corrosion and deposits)

Phosphate (PO4): < 1 ppm (limits scaling and corrosion)

Oil & Grease: < 1 ppm (prevents foaming and carries over into steam)

PH: 8.5 - 9.5 (optimizes corrosion control and scale prevention)
Specific Considerations:
Boiler pressure: Higher pressure demands stricter quality control.

Boiler type: Different boiler designs may have different sensitivities.

Water source: The quality of the raw water source heavily influences the treatment requirements.

Treatment Methods:

Pre-treatment: Filtration, softening, coagulation, flocculation, and sedimentation are used to remove suspended solids and reduce hardness.

Chemical Treatment: De-alkalization, de-aeration, and chemical dosing remove dissolved gases, hardness, and other impurities.

Ion Exchange: Removes dissolved solids and other impurities using specialized resins.
Note: The specific boiler feed water quality specifications will be defined in the boiler manufacturer's manual and should be strictly adhered to. Regular monitoring and adjustments are crucial to maintain optimal water quality and ensure efficient and safe boiler operation.

Further Considerations:

Water analysis: Regular water analysis is essential to ensure compliance with specifications.

Monitoring equipment: pH meters, conductivity meters, and dissolved oxygen meters are used to 

continuously monitor water quality.

Treatment system maintenance: Regular maintenance of the treatment system ensures proper 

Operation and effectiveness.

Operator training: Boiler operators should be trained on proper operation, water quality monitoring, and troubleshooting procedures.


By adhering to these guidelines and utilizing proper treatment methods, you can achieve optimal boiler feed water quality, resulting in increased boiler efficiency, reduced maintenance costs, and extended boiler life.

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